7 Numbers

Thursday: Value

cats sleep an average of 16 hours a day — Animal Emergency Center

Friday: Size

2012 - 696 deaths reported from running red lights (d=0.696 in)
2017 - 939 deaths reported from running red lights (d=0.939 in)
newsroom · nbc · the drive

Saturday: Orientation

literacy rates of Sudan (27%) and the US (99%) [1° = 0.45%]
world atlas · unesco

Sunday: Position

countries rated on happiness from 1 - 7 scale
Afghanistan: 3 Finland: 7
world happiness

Monday: Hue

5 days waited until we ate an avocado

Tuesday: Shape

how many times the garage was opened and closed a day
Wednesday: 3 Thursday: 2 Friday:4

Wednesday: Texture

increase of picnics during the pandemic in 2020
picnic traffic about doubled (especially in my home parks)
cnn · brandwatch