Week 13

Tufte Book Report: Visual Explanations, In’s chapter Free Form: Review proposals Assignment Free Form Develop an initial prototype of your visualization If your prototype is static, commit your mock-ups as a (potentially multipage) PDF called process/prototype.pdf Whether you're building something screen based or simply using Excel &…

Week 12

Tufte Book Report: Visual Explanations, the conclusion A Thousand Suns Final crit Free Form Lightning round: report on topics & data sources Individual meetings & work in small groups Assignment Free Form Select one idea to develop further for your final project and create: a one-page proposal, three concepts with…

Week 11

Reading #2: Subtleties of Color To actually use your newfound understanding of color, start looking into using chroma.js in your sketches Note the use of the .hex() method to convert from chroma’s color representation to p5’s on line 23 of this example If the chroma.js library…

Free Form

Final Project In this final project you will be bringing the conceptual dimension of the class together with the visualization techniques we’ve learned. You will develop and implement a final project following a complete, iterative design process. The first step in this is the creation of a set of…

Week 10

Tufte Book Report: Envisioning Information & Visual Explanations Final project ideas A Thousand Suns Review your sketches merging an external data set with the testing timeline Pick one direction to develop for next week Assignment Read The Subtleties of Color and come to class prepared to answer questions about the…

Reading 2

Subtleties of Color by Robert Simmon The use of color to display data is a solved problem, right? Just pick a palette from a drop-down menu (probably either a grayscale ramp or a rainbow), set start and end points, press “apply,” and you’re done. Although we all know it’…

Week 9

Tufte Book Report: Envisioning Information (and QDoVI wrap-up) A Thousand Suns Share possible external data sources Examine your exploratory visualizations Demo using p5 to plot csv data Meet to look over your sketches and discuss merging in the external data Assignment A Thousand Suns Clean up whatever spreadsheet manipulation you…

Week 8

Tufte Book Report: The Visual Display of Quantitative Information Right Twice a Day: final crit Exercise 3: A Thousand Suns Workshop: a crash course in spreadsheets See also: Joel Spolsky's Excel ‘tutorial’ Assignment Tufte Book Report #2 Envisioning Information A Thousand Suns: Run make update in your repository folder to…

A Thousand Suns

Mapping Quantities, Categories, and Summarized Data For this third project, we'll be examining a simple time-series dataset: the history of nuclear testing by the eight (declared) nuclear nations. In the first phase of this project we will consider only the total number of test explosions across three dimensions: the state…

Week 7

Presentation Samantha on Otto Neurath In on Ben Fry/Fathom Programming workshop Nested loops & grids Chains of logic with else if, &&, and || Right Twice a Day: in-class work By the end of class have three concepts (including pencil sketches) for a time visualization that includes the hours/…

Week 6

Presentation Isaac on Forensic Architecture Right Twice a Day Clock code review & calendar crit P5 Tutorial: Normalization and ‘mapping’ Arrays and Objects Calculating coordinates based on distances and angles Mapping time values to angles, colors, etc. see also: map() & lerpColor() Review of looping with for, _.times, and _.each…

Week 5

Presentation Sam on Giorgia Lupi Right Twice a Day Review of your clock sketches Javascript & P5.js Workshop tutorials from the ‘basics’ folder map() lerpColor() Assignment Right Twice a Day Complete at least three representations of the current time (ignore days, weeks, moons, etc. for now) that develop on…

Week 4

Discussion of the Kieran Healy intro chapter Nothing but a Number: Review of your quantitative, qualitative, and humanistic posters Workshop: Git, the course repository, and committing changes Create a ‘fork’ of the course repository on GitHub: click on the Fork icon in the upper right to create a personal ‘working…

Right Twice a Day

Mapping Time Preliminaries Gather all the necessary software and files to get started: The Sublime Text 3 (or comparable) text editor The GitHub Desktop GUI client Create your own fork of https://github.com/samizdatco/di-2021 The P5.js site has an extensive Reference section with a full listing of…

Week 3

Retinal Variable wrap-up Meet in pairs, presenting your data-to-retinal variable ‘mappings’ to one another Pick one example row from the other person’s worksheet that you feel is particularly successful, surprising, or creative Pick one row from your worksheet that you’re unsure of and have a question about Present…

Reading #1

Poor Form Read Healy's introductory chapter from Data Visualization for Social Science: Look at Data: What Makes Bad Figures Bad Use the tag “R1” when you post your assessment of the reading and the questions raised.…

Research Presentations

Each student will select a data visualization person, topic, theme, technology, etc. to thoroughly research and report on for the rest of the class. You will become an expert in this subject and explore some of the main ideas and concepts behind the research topic you've selected. Some questions to…

Retinal Variables

The most fundamental choice in any data visualization project is how your real-world values will be translated into marks on the page or screen. In this exercise we’ll be encoding an extremely simple data set repeatedly in order to exhaustively catalog the different ways a handful of numbers can…

Week 2

Catalog & Classify Discussion of your findings Exercise: Jacques Bertin and the seven "Retinal Variables" Download a copy of this worksheet (it's an Illustrator-friendly PDF) Using the vector drawing software of your choice, fill in all the cells of the empty grid you see sprawling before you. Each…

Nothing but a Number

Over the next week you will create one poster every day. Each day, find a single number from a different subject area that interests you and spend your time thinking about how the scale of that value could be communicated formally. Create a visual representation using one of the seven…

Catalog & Classify

This is a collective research project providing examples and discussion of the basic building blocks of visual data representation. In his Ph.D. dissertation, information designer Ben Fry assembled a taxonomy of standard visualization types. Look over his list and choose one to research more thoroughly. Sign up for your…

Week 1

Sign-in Assessment of student skills, levels, and interests What do you want to learn in this class? What sorts of data/information graphics work have you done previously? Any coding or stats experience? Introduction to course goals and expectations Intro talk Exercise: Catalog & Classify Create and publish a new…


Academic Disability Accommodations MICA makes reasonable academic accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. All academic accommodations must be approved through the Learning Resource Center (LRC). Students requesting accommodation should schedule an appointment at the LRC (410-225-2416 or e-mail LRC@mica.edu), located in Bunting 110. It is the student’s…


Charts and graphs have an indisputable aura of objectivity and yet, much like statistics, they have an immense power to either elucidate or mislead. What does it mean for an information graphic to be ‘honest’ with its data? And how can we as designers (and citizens) know when a representation…