Week 10

  • Tufte Book Report: Envisioning Information & Visual Explanations
  • Final project ideas
  • A Thousand Suns
    • Review your sketches merging an external data set with the testing timeline
    • Pick one direction to develop for next week


  • Read The Subtleties of Color and come to class prepared to answer questions about the ideas within
    • Note: We’re taking a break from the Tufte readings and will complete Visual Explanations on April 22nd
  • A Thousand Suns
    • Develop your initial visualization and commit your code and documentation in the folder called 3.mapping-quantities/project. If you have designed a static visualization, upload a PDF at the proper scale and trim its art-board to be full-bleed.
    • Fine tune the text and typography surrounding your diagram in order two provide ‘three reads’ in terms of information from headline to body text to legends & labels (similar to the three visual reads we explored in the first assignment).
    • Include a brief (just a few sentences) explanation of your project’s data and how it is presented in 3.mapping-quantities/project/README.md